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Japan Junction

4:00 pm


February 5: “Why do We Throw Beans on Setsubun?” and Oni Masks

Setsubun is a festival marking the end of winter and the beginning of spring in Japan. It is observed annually around the first of February, at home, in schools, or at shrines throughout Japan.

Join us for a kamishibai reading of “Naze Setsubun ni Mame wo Makuno?” or “Why do We Throw Beans on Setsubun?” to discover why the Japanese people celebrate the coming of spring in a unique way.

Following the kamishibai presentation, make your own Oni bean toss game and learn how Japanese families wish for good luck through mame-maki or bean throwing.  “Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi!  Out with the Oni, and in with good fortune!”


